Financial Education for Everyone... However You Learn.

Helping Canadians develop smart financial awareness in many different ways.

Online Portal icon
Online Portal

Education, tools and resources available in one convenient online location.

Apps icon

Quick and accessible, helpful tools and resources at your fingertips.

Webinars icon

Live and online, our webinar series provides facilitated learning that fits any schedule.

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Live Events

Inspiring & entertaining events held right across Canada.

Coaching icon

Honest, compassionate and effective, our coaches give you accountability to help turn this education into action.

Videos, Tools, Guidance & Support

This is the financial education we all deserve.

User dashboard
Your personalized & interactive portal

A powerful online resource, packed full of engaging videos, online tools & downloadable resources.

Satisfaction Score
150+ quick & effective quiz questions

Our quizzes are designed to help ensure you retain all of the essential information you have learned.

Debt Crusher
Debt Crusher

A powerful resource that helps users take charge of debt while encouraging & measuring progress toward a debt free goal.

Net Worth Tracker
Networth Tracker

A unique goal-oriented resource that helps users track progress & financial growth over time, encouraging additional savings & investing efforts.

Annual Savings Calculator
Downloadable resources to help you learn

With a fill-in-the-blank workbook, quick facts, recommended readings & downloadable resources, we help you get the most from your Enriched Academy course.

Workbook & Downloads
Annual Savings Calculator

Designed to help you understand exactly where you are today financially & where you want to go - this tool gives you a clear roadmap to start saving money effectively.

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